When learning a new microcontroller, a good understanding of pin functions is essential. Here we look at several views of STM32F100xx microcontroller pins and functions (LQFP64).
Applies to the STM32F100RB used on the STM32 value line discovery board.
The image below will be shown throughout this article with different pins / pin functions highlighted such as port pins, power pins, dedicated pins, oscillator pins, debug pins, etc.
![STM32F100RB pinout in a 64 pin LQFP.](https://startingelectronics.org/articles/STM32-microcontrollers/STM32F100xx-LQFP64-pin-functions/STM32F100RB-LQFP64-pins.png)
Port, Power and Dedicated Pins
STM32F100xx microcontrollers that are packaged in LQFP 64 pin packages have the following basic pin functions:
Port Pins
Three 16-bit ports and one 3-bit port:
- PA0 to PA15 (16 pins)
- PB0 to PB15 (16 pins)
- PC0 to PC15 (16 pins)
- PD0 to PD2 (3 pins)
Total = 51 pins
Power Pins
Ten power pins:
- 4 × VDD
- 4 × VSS
- 1 × VDDA – analog supply and reference voltage
- 1 × VSSA – analog supply and reference voltage
Total = 10 pins
Dedicated Pins
Three dedicated pins:
- VBAT – backup power for RTC, external 32kHz oscillator and backup registers.
- NRST – reset pin.
- BOOT0 – selects boot mode, boots from main Flash when 0.
Total = 3 pins
The diagram below shows the top view of a STM32F100xx microcontroller in a 64 pin LQFP. The power and dedicated pins are highlighted.
![STM32F100xx in a LQFP-64 with power and dedicated pins highlighted.](https://startingelectronics.org/articles/STM32-microcontrollers/STM32F100xx-LQFP64-pin-functions/STM32F100xx-LQFP64-power-dedicated.png)
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